There once lived two young children who always stayed in the warmth of their home. Content with what was within, they never sought to go without. Without, there was a dark forest just beyond the boundaries of their land. Every day they played not a few feet from it, but their happiness was not overshadowed by it.
As the years went by the children began to grow, as children always do, and with their growth they began to see the world in a different light. The land within began to not feel so secure, and the Forest without began to not look so scary in comparison.

They found the Forest to be magical in the evening light. What once had seemed scary and threatened to swallow them up became welcoming and inviting. Long, thick vines hung down all around, young trees bent low as if to make living rooms.
Here in the Bramble Forest, they could be whatever they wanted to be:
Secret heroes sequestered away, trying to wait patiently for their time to burst into the world and conquer all evil.
Nymphs playing mischievously, peeking at you first from this tree, then that branch! Flitting around happily, the cares of life forgotten.
It was their little haven. Their little place to rest from worries and fears.
It was a place they could always escape to this magical, Bramble Forest...